Tuesday, July 16, 2013

So excited!!


This is my very first blog post ever! (Well besides when I thought I was a cool kid in 6th grade and made a weebly.com blog......fail.) 

In 25 days I will be boarding a plane to Copenhagen and beginning my adventure as an exchange student. I've been counting down to my departure date since I found out I was accepted into the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, and that was about 6 months ago! 

I have 3 host families, whose names I won't display on the internet, but they are incredible to me, and I haven't even met them in person. My first host mother has been so helpful to me, by telling me what I need to bring to school, some advice on the weather and what clothes to bring, and providing me with websites to help me learn Danish. (I haven't gotten very far! Yikes!) Sadly, one of the sisters in my first host family is an exchange student the same year as me, so I won't be able to meet her, but she has introduced me to a few of her friends that I'm sure will help me in the future! In my second host family I have a few siblings, but my host sister in that family was an exchange student last year in Florida, so we have already gotten to text and get to know eachother, and I am sure we will be good friends!

Last night, 2 of my friends slept over. 1 of the girls, Alli, was an exchange student in Spain last year. I learned all about what Spain was like, what she did with her friends, and how different it was from America. I got a lot of valuble information from her, and hopefully it will prove itself useful to me during my time in Denmark. 

I know that there aren't going to be many people reading this, probably just a few of my friends, but thanks for reading my first blog post!

I look forward to writing all about my exchange year!



1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward your new posts!!!

    Brazil - US 2012/13
