Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sunday, August 11th, 2013, I arrived in my AMAZING host country, Denmark. But it wasn't smooth sailing all the way there!

I left BWI Airport at 9:40 pm on Saturday, August 10th, 2013. Saying goodbye to my 3 best friends was extremely hard, and saying goodbye to my family, was the absolute most incredibly hard thing to do. You really don't know how much you appreciate the people you take for granted, until you aren't with them every second of the day. 

After 7+ hours of flying, I landed in London Heathrow Airport around 2 am or so New York time. I then went to look at what gate I was supposed to go to, and it wasn't listed yet. I freaked out. I was so scared and nervous that I wasn't going to go to the right gate number and I would end up on a flight to who knows where!! I called my mom, thank god she picked up, and I told her how confused and scared I was about what I was going to do, and eventually I figured out the system...(duh Mallory, it wasn't that confusing..). But while I was in the process of figuring out my gate number, I was chilling in the bathroom like the cool kid that I am. I'm pretty sure the food that I had on the British Airways flight to London, mixed with my emotions didn't make me feel to good, so that was an experience. As I boarded my plane to Copenhagen, I suddenly felt the urge to hurl...so of course the people in front of me thought it would be a fabulous idea to take as long as they could to sit down and put their bags in the overhead compartment. I started to make those weird faces that you make when you are about to blow some chunks, (sorry for those of you who have weak stomachs, haha) and this guy sitting down next to wear I was standing looked at me with the biggest death glare ever, like "if you throw up on me I will murder you." It was pretty interesting, and at the time I was so scared, but looking back, its actually pretty hilarious. But anyways, I slept all the way from London to Copenhagen to avoid any more...incidents. 

When I FINALLY arrived in Copenhagen Airport on the 11th of August, sometime around 2:30 or 3 pm, I walked to wear you get your passport stamped, and went straight to wear you get your luggage. I was unaware that my host family would not be waiting there to help me get my luggage, they couldn't get in that far. I got my two huge suitcases filled to the max, 1 small suitcase stuffed with host family gifts, my backpack, and my small purse, and strolled not so easily to wear I would be greated by my wonderful 1st host family.(:

 Don't mind my awkward face...okay, I know its bad.

This is my host dad, Bo, and my host sister Marlene!

This is my host mom, Benedikte, and Marlene again!

They are such nice and helpful people, and I appreciate everything they do for me! My host mom helps me a lot by helping my pronounce things, and she teaches me new things every single day! My host dad doesn't really speak much English, and I actually learn a lot from him because it helps me to figure out different sentences! Marlene, my host sister is such an awesome sister! She is very helpful, and very nice! It is quite sad that she doesn't live with us, but hopefully I will get to visit her and go shopping with her in Copenhagen(:

Well I don't know what else to write about, so here are some pictures that I had on my phone(:

Rachel, Karly, Me, Olivia - I miss you guys!

My baby Gordie, I love you buddy(: - I didn't get a picture with my cat -__-

This is a little body of water that my friend Emina took my to, it is so beautiful!

First day of school!! Ah! 8/14/13

I forget what the name of this is called, but its so funny and I love it.

I went to the gym with my 2nd host sister, Mie, and her friend and we 'boxed.' Haha(:

This is the harbor in my town! It's so cool!

Yes, I take selfies with Emina' s dog.

We both hate this picture, but this is Emina!

'No shame in my selfie game'

First day of school! Wooh!

Thanks for reading! I'll post again soon(: See you next year 'murica(:

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